Course curriculum

  • 1

    Why Does Chatta Matter?

    • The Difference Chatta Makes

  • 2

    Module 1: Introduction

    • 1.1 Introduction to the Free Chatta Training

    • 1.2 The short story of Chatta told by founder Chris Williams at the HundrED Global Summit in Helsinki, November 2019

    • 1.3 What would you like to learn about the Chatta Approach?

    • 1.4 Impact Story: Daniel

  • 3

    Module 2: The Chatta Approach

    • 2.1 The Chatta Approach

    • 2.2 Chatta in the Classroom

    • Chatta and Inclusive Teaching

    • Where did Chatta come from?

    • Why does Chatta work?

    • What is Chatta?

    • Meaningful Context

    • Thinking in Pictures

    • Modelled Language

    • Oral Rehearsal

    • Writing

  • 4

    Module 3: Chatta for Parents and Carers

    • 3.1. Using Chatta to Support Home Learning

  • 5

    Module 4: Try The Chatta Approach In YOUR CLASSROOM

    • 4.1: Try Chatta In Your Own Classroom: